Title : Always

Genre : Trap, Drill, Rap

Tempo : 142Bpm

Duration : 3:16 minutes

Artist type : Migos, Jnr Choi, Darkoo, Black Sherif

Mood : Dark, Sad, Aggressive

Producer : Kingcoven Beats




Melodic Drill Type Beat

Always is a melodic drill type beat produced by kingcoven beats, this is also a migos x darkoo x black sherif type beat.make sure to check it out.Related keywords are afro drill instrumental, uk drill type beat, uk drill instrumentals, uk trap type beat


Always is a melodic drill type beat produced by kingcoven beats, this is also a migos x darkoo x black sherif type beat.make sure to check it out.Related keywords are afro drill instrumental, uk drill type beat, uk drill instrumentals, uk trap type beat

Title : Always

Genre : Trap, Drill, Rap

Tempo : 142Bpm

Duration : 3:16 minutes

Artist type : Migos, Jnr Choi, Darkoo, Black Sherif

Mood : Dark, Sad, Aggressive

Producer : Kingcoven Beats




Melodic Drill Type Beat

Always is a melodic drill type beat produced by kingcoven beats, this is also a migos x darkoo x black sherif type beat.make sure to check it out.Related keywords are afro drill instrumental, uk drill type beat, uk drill instrumentals, uk trap type beat