Title : Epic

Genre : Trap, Rap

Tempo : 141Bpm

Duration : 2:57 minutes

Artist type : Joyner Lucas, Meek Mill

Mood : Emotional, Smooth

Producer : Kingcoven Beats

Format : untagged mp3(basic lease), untagged wav, mp3(premium lease) wav,stems(exclusive purchase)





Download Instrumental Beats

Download instrumental beats titled epic which was produced by Kingcoven beats on freeservhub.This beat is also an emotional trap instrumental so make sure to share with friends.


Download instrumental beats titled epic which was produced by Kingcoven beats on freeservhub.This beat is also an emotional trap instrumental so make sure to share with friends.

Title : Epic

Genre : Trap, Rap

Tempo : 141Bpm

Duration : 2:57 minutes

Artist type : Joyner Lucas, Meek Mill

Mood : Emotional, Smooth

Producer : Kingcoven Beats

Format : untagged mp3(basic lease), untagged wav, mp3(premium lease) wav,stems(exclusive purchase)





Download Instrumental Beats

Download instrumental beats titled epic which was produced by Kingcoven beats on freeservhub.This beat is also an emotional trap instrumental so make sure to share with friends.